Agri-tourism Strategy
The Lillooet Agriculture and Food Society is undertaking an Agri-tourism Strategy in 2016. The strategy will build on past work conducted by local and regional government and other stakeholders and incorporate new analyses based on the evolving nature of the food and agriculture sub-sectors in the region.
The strategy will also align when possible with broader tourism strategies and activities taking place in the region, giving tourism and agri-tourism operators a valuable roadmap and actionable intelligence to further enhance their business efforts, attract more tourists and improve their visibility to prospective visitors. At the same time, it will open up potential new business channels to agriculture business operators looking to diversify and maximize their potential return on investment.
Both the agriculture and tourism markets in the region are underserved. This project will help unlock this potential for existing businesses and potential new investors to the area. In addition to conducting credible evidence-based research and analyses on agri-tourism trends and forecasts in British Columbia, the project will engage both regional stakeholders and industry experts through various consultation methods. These will include surveying, interviewing and focus groups. This approach will ensure the intelligence gathered is actionable and it will also raise the visibility of the project to regional business, First Nations and government leaders, further strengthening the network of supporters for resilient and profitable agriculture and tourism sectors in Lillooet and the Traditional St’at’imc Territories in the region.